Sure, here is an example code for creating a mobile website for a car hire business using PHP:


Car Hire Business

“Toyota”, “model” => “Corolla”, “price” => “$50/day”),
array(“brand” => “Honda”, “model” => “Civic”, “price” => “$60/day”),
array(“brand” => “Ford”, “model” => “Mustang”, “price” => “$70/day”)

// Display the list of available cars
foreach ($cars as $car) {
echo “

echo “

{$car[‘brand’]} {$car[‘model’]}

echo “

Price: {$car[‘price’]}

echo “Book Now“;
echo “



This code will display a list of available cars for hire on the mobile website. Each car will have its brand, model, price per day, and a “Book Now” button for users to book the car. You can customize the design and functionality of the website further according to your requirements.